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Published Date: 31st Dec 2009
Last Site wide Update:12th August 2010
Last Page Update:12th August 2010

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Scholarly Publications hosted on Nigerian Bioscientist
The Challenges of Laboratory Diagnosis of Megaloblastic Anaemia in Nigeria
Dickson A.O  Olayanju*  (2010)
Dept  of Physiology & Medical Laboratory Science,Igbinedion University, Okada. Nigeria (Review Article)
Correspondence to:  Olayanju* A.O,  ddddickson@yahoo.com, +2348035170614

In Nigeria, most primary health care facilities are without a laboratory or poorly structured laboratories. The diagnosis is therefore made on the basis of clinical symptoms and preliminary laboratory investigations, where available. Because emphasis is not placed on complex laboratory methods for the characterization of anaemia in the course of training, laboratory personnel usually under diagnose megaloblastic anaemia. This paper reviews diagnostic methods ideal for megaloblastic anaemia.

Keywords:megaloblastic anaemia,DNA, Laboratory,diagnosis, heamatology
Download Full article: PDF (106KB)
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