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Version: 01
Published Date: 31st Dec 2009
Last Site wide Update:31st Dec, 2009
Last Page Update:31st Dec, 2009

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Contact: admin@ufumes.com

Published and maintained by UF Umeoguaju



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Research Laboratories and institutes in Nigeria, labs, bioscience, biochemical, plant, research, nigeria, Drug development, instruments, researchers, investigations, scientists, science laboratories, conduct, practice, investigate, perform, extract, isolate, microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceutical, medical labs, news, bioscientific, conferences, seminars, discovery, discussions, literature acquisition, literature search, free literature, research, free, educational resources, methodology, procedures, lab protocols, materials, articles, download, search, assistance, online, references, citations, nigeria journals, medical, biomedical, pharmaceutical, food and nutritional, journals, publishers, publications, articles, scholars, scholarly works, literature materials, science journals, biochemistry works, issues, volumes, society, association, Bioscience jobs in nigeria: job search, careers in medical profession, biochemistry and pharmacy related job opening, science jobs, nigerian jobs, directory, current vacancies, job employment opportunities, Services: Statistical analysis, bio statistics, .assistance and help, analyze results, Acquire literature works, download pdf, computational biochemistry searches, tutorials, assistance, resources, help and site documentations/ manuals, learn bioinformatics, guides to learning and understanding bioinformatic analyses, free resources and biotools, online applications, biomedical databases, free downloadable software, Online bioresources: courseware, knowledgebases, literature archives, informational materials, software and free biotools and bio resources for studying chemistry, biology, microbiology, biochemistry, biochemical, chemicals, medicine, zoology, immunology, cells study, tissues studies, botany, agriculture, plant science, laboratory science, pharmacy, medical researches and other bioscience courses. educational resources and materials, biotools, bioresources for academic works and studies, practice, learn, tutor, and educate scholars and students. Resources on different Biomolecular types like; drugs, chemicals, biomolecules, Nucleic acids, DNA, RNA, Protein, amino acids, glycans, carbohydrate, ligands. Reference resources- encyclopedia, dictionary, scientific tables, citations, bibliographies. Nigerian biologist, microbiologist, chemists, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, pharmaceuticals, pharmacist, pharmacy, agricultural, plant biology, botany, plants, entomology, parasitology, parasites, surgical , doctors, life sciences, scientists, chemical , chemists, reviews, downloads, free, online biotools and resources, Discussion forum, online community, Bioscientist interactive forums, nigerian scientist forum, academic assistance, posts, articles, suggestions.


An online informational and educational resourceful center for all Nigerian Bioscientists

Computational Biochemistry / Bioinformatics Search works

We can assist you in conducting bioinformatics searches  on different topics of computational and molecular biochemistry such as but not limited to homology searches, sequence alignments, searches and analysis, sequence comparison analysis with tools such as BLAST, CLUSTALW etc; Information on protein and enzyme functions and interactions, protein families and domain, secondary and three dimensional structural analysis of proteins etc; Sequence information and analytic searches on DNA, mRNA, cDNA, coding DNA from different organisms.

We dont only assist you with the analysis, we also guide you to understanding and interpreting the generated results.

Because of the diversified nature of these problems, the amount we charge depends on the nature of the work. The price is negotiable

Send description of the nature of the work to admin @ ufumes . com. We would reply you about our charges and payment details.

If you require further information concerning this service, you can send your questions to admin @ ufumes . com or call us on +2348067817864

You will surely be pleased.





Nigerian Bioscientists interactive forum and Online community::: Forum Boards, Login or Register briefly for free, to contribute, or start new discussions. Methodologies, Lab protocols and Academic Assistance to problems related to Biochemical investigations, Microbial researches, Plant based inquires, Biomolecular assays, Lab techniques and Precautions, Drug and phamaceutical researches etc, Information and News, Featured Posts of the month, Serious talks on issues concerning studying and practising bioscience courses in Nigeria,

Bioresources/Biotools::: Learn bioinformatics and Computational biochemistry , Online Tutorials and courseware, Site documetations, Methodologies and Lab procedures, Chemistry resources, Biology resources, Microbiology and Parasitology bioresources, Drug and Pharmaceutical resources, Botanist and Plant resources, Biomedical libraries, Online applications, Reference tables and resources, Resources relevant to various biomolecules and compounds.

Online Publishing::: Host journal articles online, Publish lecture notes, Publish research works, Publish student's works.

Information and News on Nigerian Bioscientists issues::: Research institutes in Nigeria, Bioscientific related journal Publishers in Nigeria, Highlights of News and events from in and around the Nigerian Bioscientific community, Announcements and Notices to Nigerian Bioscientists, Careers and Job Vacancies.



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